Semiconductor meets Superconductor – Know-How: Halbleiter trifft Supraleiter

Semiconductor meets Superconductor – Know-How: Halbleiter trifft Supraleiter

09/07/21 – Semiconductor meets Superconductor – Scientists form University Basel, Switzerland, and the National Institute for Material Science, Japan, developed a semiconductor combined with superconducting metals. Semiconductors are an essential ingredient of microprocessors and microcontrollers, while superconductors are the source of the most powerful magnets known. By combining these two technologies, Andreas Baumgartner and his group created a new material based on molybdenum sulfide (MoS2) and molybdenum rhenium (MoRe) with exciting physical properties and uncharted applications. This impressive study opens a gateway to atomic monolayer semiconductors as foundation for superconducting hybrid devices.

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